Playstation demo disc - shock your system
Playstation demo disc - shock your system

playstation demo disc - shock your system

The characters, graphics, narrative all make up a cohesive whole and it‘s the most charming title I know of. I think I wasn't ready for that scene back then, in hindsight.ĭespite that all that being said, my favourite Final Fantasy and certainly one of my favourite games of all time is number IX. I couldn‘t believe it at first… I used Aerith a lot in battle throughout the first disc and couldn‘t imagine they‘d just kill off an integral character like that. Yes, I was one of those people who didn‘t get spoiled, but these were also the pre-internet days (for me at least). Without knowing what happens at the end of CD1 and the twist about who Cloud really is (or isn‘t in this case) were shocking to me.

playstation demo disc - shock your system

It's why people remember it so fondly and I believe that is why people still feel this deep connection with FF VII apart from a pure nostalgic value, I think. The music, characters, graphics (at the time) and just the overall atmosphere of this title is what made it so special. This is something we take for granted nowadays but was incredible back in then. In hindsight, this was the first foray into 3D graphics and for many, this was also the first time they got to control the camera as well. Christmas was all about playing this and turning that T-Rex upside down in the tech demo. It‘s amazing we‘re still talking about two of these in the case of Oddworld and MediEvil quite a lot recently. That design and music and those sound effects already scream 90s! Probably the games I played most on that demo disc were Oddworld: Abe‘s Oddyssy, MediEvil, Hercules, Ridge Racer, Kurushi (Intelligent Qube) and Overboard. Just launching it felt amazing, I mean just look at it: Within the package was also one of the most well-known demo discs ever: the Demo One. Mine also came with the original controller and not the DualShock controller that came slightly afterwards. This was 1997 and PlayStation launched approx.

Playstation demo disc - shock your system