714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow
714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow

714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow 714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow

Police and the District Attor- ney’ s Offic e ar e inv esti gat ing the assault and seeking the suspect.

714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow

She said the man told her, “Y ou hav e a bigmouth,keep it shut and stop the lawsu it,” ac- cording to a search warrant af- fidavit. A Times Leader article pub- lished Saturd ay said the Forty Fort woman who filed the suit was sexua lly assaul ted and physi cally attacked in Janua ry by a man who entered her home cla imi ng he work ed for a gas utility company investigat ing a gas leak. McClosky Houck said she is making the request largely b e c a u s e o f aut hor ity bus ri de rs hi p de- clines and new information about the case of an authority employee with a pending sexual harassment suit. Lu ze rn e Cou nt y Cou nc il - woman Linda McClosky Houck wants counci l to use its home rule subpoena and investigative powers for the first time to ex- amine county transportation au- thor ity oper a- tions.

714 cherrytree lane genoa il zillow